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This edition of Advances in Eyecare includes interviews with top academics considering the best way to interpret the published literature and evidence base that may influence the way we practice optometry.

Professor Brendan Barrett looks at the various ways literature reviews are undertaken and then explains how he uses the new Cochrane Risk of Bias tool to understand the robustness of published research into the impact of coloured lenses in influencing reading ability.

Dr Catherine Suttle discusses how to assess research using a critical appraisal tool to help decide on whether the outcomes of any research are significant and to what extent. 

Professor Jennifer Craig offers a unique insight into the recently published TFOS DEWS II report which redefines dry eye disease, looks at the evidence base for assessment and management, and is likely to influence our clinical practice with dry eye in years to come.

Last published: December 2018

    Unit 2 - Interpreting clinical data (~13 mins)

    Catherine Suttle interviewed by Alison Binns 

    Since the end of the 20th century, the Randomised Controlled Trial (or RCT) has been held as the gold standard for all clinical trials, due to its ability to minimise selection bias through randomisation and use of the control group as a point of comparison. Various developments by the CONSORT statement have further improved the reliability of RCTs, but there remains a need to examine and assess any flaws present through constant appraisals of published works. Here to discuss the importance of assessments and Critical Appraisal Tools is Dr Catherine Suttle, senior lecturer in the Division of Optometry and Visual Sciences at City, University of London, UK.

    Unit 1 - Modern techniques in meta-analysis and review (~18 mins)Unit 3 - TFOS DEWS II (~20 mins)