
Communication Professional Conduct                                                          

No CPD Points

A comprehensive overview of Charles Bonnet syndrome, based on the latest research. Includes advice on identifying the condition, addressing the topic with patients, appropriate management steps and what can be done to help sufferers. This programme is part of the Ageing Eye series and is supported by a range of reference materials. 

Charles Bonnet syndrome is a cause of often dramatic visual hallucinations among people with sight loss, but one which has received little attention until now, partly due to it rarely being reported by patients. In this programme, leading researcher Dr. Dominic ffytche, Professor of Visual Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, provides a comprehensive overview based on the latest research. Includes advice on identifying the condition, addressing the topic with patients, appropriate management steps and what can be done to help sufferers. 

First published: August 2014
Last reviewed: July 2024

    Learning outcomes


    s.2 Communicate effectively with patients

    • Understands the nature of Charles Bonnett Syndrome (CBS) in order to inform patients about their experience or warn of possible future experiences, to better enable them to cope and reduce the risk of anxiety.

    s.1 Listen to patients and ensure they are at the heart of decisions made about their care

    • Able to develop a rapport with vulnerable patients by understanding CBS and its impact.

    Clinical Practice

    s.5  Keep your knowledge and skills up to date

    • Understands the nature of CBS, its causes, consequences, and how to help patients manage the condition.

      Unit 1 - What is it? (~9 mins)