
Sound Optometry

Domains: Leadership and accountability

No CPD Points

Welcome to Docet’s podcast Sound Optometry, hosted by Michelle Hanratty, an IP optometrist with 20 years’ experience on the high street and in hospital. Each month, with case studies and in-depth conversations, we will be exploring topics that matter the most to you as optometrists and are relevant for everyday practice.

Episode 28 - Leadership and accountability in optometry:  Essential not optional 

This episode of Sound Optometry complements the Docet webinar, “Are all optometrists clinical leaders?” and focuses on the GOC CPD Domain of Leadership and Accountability. 

The GOC’s role as regulator is to keep the public safe and to ensure that practitioners provide a safe environment for their patients. As registered practitioners, we are not only responsible, but also accountable and so each optometrist “leads” their practice team by ensuring adherence to the GOC Standards of Practice for Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians. It is important for those who manage or aspire to lead organisations within optometry to understand that optometrists have a legal duty of care to which they are held to account. 

The episode starts with Michelle Hanratty discussing the concepts of leadership with Mat Pickering, General Manager of Optegra UK. Mat talks through the leadership skills that need to be honed and how they have evolved during his 20-year career within a clinical setting. Mat reflects on the value of developing team members to fulfil their potential and discusses the benefits of having optometrists taking leadership roles.

Brian McCotter joins Michelle in the second part of the podcast to follow up on some of the topics covered in the recent Docet webinar on Leadership and signposts resources that are available to help optometrists ensure that they are meeting requirements for supervision, record keeping and clinical governance.

Subscribe to the series on your preferred podcast player so you don’t miss an episode. You can access all episodes of Sound Optometry here.

Last published: December 2023

    Unit 1 - Leadership and accountability audio track (~29 min)

    Learning outcomesUnit 2 - Required reading (~25 min)