Learning outcomes
Unit 1 - Introduction (~1 min)
Unit 2 - Fitting soft toric lenses (~16 mins)
Unit 3 - Assessing soft toric lenses (~16 mins)
e-LearningAssessing soft toric lenses
URLEdrington T (2011) A literature review: the impact of rotational stabilization methods on toric soft contact lens performance. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 34(3), pp 104-110 [Accessed Aug 2024]
URLMcIlraith R, Young G, Hunt C (2010) Toric lens orientation and visual acuity in non-standard conditions. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 33(1), pp 23-26 [Accessed Aug 2024]
URLMomeni-Moghaddam H, Naroo S, Askarizadeh F et al. (2014) Comparison of fitting stability of the different soft toric contact lenses. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 37(5), pp 346-50 [Accessed Aug 2024]
URLSánchez Á, González J (2021) Objective evaluation of static and dynamic behavior of different toric silicone-hydrogel contact lenses. Contact lens & anterior eye: the journal of the British Contact Lens Association; 44(6), p 101437 [Accessed Aug 2024]
URLSulley A, Hawke R, Osborn Lorenz K et al. (2015) Resultant vertical prism in toric soft contact lenses. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 38(4), pp 253-257 [Accessed Aug 2024]
URLZikos G, Kang S, Ciuffreda K et al. (2007) Rotational stability of toric soft contact lenses during natural viewing conditions. Optom Vis Sci. 84(11), pp 1039-45 [Accessed Aug 2024]
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