No CPD Points
In this session delegates are asked to watch a short video that outlines a case scenario of a 67-year-old patient with cataracts and macula changes.
Topics: AMD, Cataracts, Communication, Depression, Electronic aids, Low vision aids, Management plans, Mental health.
No CPD Points
In this session delegates are asked to watch a short video that outlines a case scenario of a 93-year-old patient with glaucoma and severe sight impairment.
Topics: Electronic aids, Falls, Field loss, Glaucoma, Low vision aids, Management plans, Mobility.
No CPD Points
In this session delegates are asked to watch a short video that outlines a case scenario of an 81-year-old patient with macula degeneration.
Topics: AMD, Charles Bonnet, Communication, Depression, Electronic aids, Lighting, Low vision aids, Management plans, Mental health.
No CPD Points
In this session delegates are asked to watch a short video that outlines a case scenario of a 60-year-old patient who suffered a stroke 2 months ago.
Topics: Communication, Depression, Electronic aids, Field loss, Low vision aids, Management plans, Mental health, Mobility, Stroke.
No CPD Points
Rahul Navamani, male dentist, 41 years. This case discusses various lifestyle requirements. Rahul requires advice for his work and sport.
Topics: Dispensing, Occupational, Lifestyle, Sports, Lenses, Eye protection, Injuries, Record keeping, Frames, Vocational, UV.
No CPD Points
In this case, delegates are asked to watch a short video of a domiciliary visit to an elderly patient who has dementia.
Topics: Dementia, Refraction, Legal, Safeguarding, Vulnerable, Communication, Equipment, Visual assessment, Consent, Confidentiality, Lighting, Dispensing.
No CPD Points
This case discusses a diabetic patient whose vision is below the driving standard. The optometrist has spotted him driving several times and is unsure about what course of action she should take.
Topics: Diabetic, Standards, Legal, Confidentiality, DVLA, Referral, Anxiety, Record keeping, Ageing.
No CPD Points
Marian Short, 85 years, retired. This case discusses the examination of a patient with early dementia and cataracts possibly needing referring.
Topics: Ageing, Cataracts, Referral, Legal, Confidentiality, Consent, Communication, vulnerable adults, Safeguarding, Record keeping, Visual assessment.
No CPD Points
These cases use short film clips and a patient record to look at different patients with specific symptoms that need to be interpreted.
Topics: Peer discussion, Peer review, Flashes and floaters, Record keeping, Emergency, Referrals, Dilation, Retinal detachment.
No CPD Points
This case discusses a case of anisocoria with sluggish pupil responses in a patient who reports reduced near vision in past few months. The aim is to review the case and decide on possible causes of the pupil abnormality and discuss whether the optometrist took an appropriate course of action.
Topics: Anisocoria, Holmes-Aidie, Pupil reactions, Neurological, Mydriasis, Accomodation, Referral, Visual assessment, Pupil assessment, Record keeping
No CPD Points
David Jones, 62 years, retired. This case discusses the examination of a patient with recent onset of floaters, particularly focusing on the quality of the record card.
Topics: Flashes, Retinal detachment, Visual fields, Legal, Loss of vision, Tonometry, Fundus, Vitreous, Posterior vitreous detachment PVD.
No CPD Points
Jon, 34 years of age, aerospace engineer. This case includes three videos and discusses corneal astigmatism, fitting of spherical and toric RGP lenses and aftercare and staining.
Topics: Astigmatism, Soft toric lenses, RGP lenses, Slit lamp, Toric, Aftercare, Bitoric, Gas permeable, Keratometry, Contact lenses.
No CPD Points
Rachel, 28 years of age, PA in a busy office. This case includes two videos and discusses corneal astigmatism, slit lamp examination results and fitting of soft toric contact lenses.
Topics: Astigmatism, Soft toric lenses, RGP lenses, Slit lamp, Toric, Aftercare, Bitoric, Gas permeable, Keratometry, Contact lenses.
No CPD Points
Daisy Bergman, retired, 74 years. This case discusses a case of sudden, painless, unilateral loss of vision, partially resolving after a couple of minutes.
Topics: Neurological, TIA, Ischaemic, Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (AION), Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA), Record keeping, Acute, Ageing, Vascular, Referral.
No CPD Points
This case discusses a case of an acute, painless, unilateral visual disturbance in an amblyopic patient. The aim is to make a diagnosis and decide on the appropriate course of action.
Topics: Vision loss, Acute, Referral, Systemic disease, Communication, Record keeping
No CPD Points
Summary: in this case participants are asked to listen to a telephone conversation between a patient, who has just collected his new glasses, and an optical advisor. Participants will then discuss how they feel the call was handled, the implications for professional staff in the practice and possible causes of the change in vision.
Topics: Peer discussion, Peer review, Vision loss, Legal, Record keeping, Emergency, Referrals