


No CPD Points

In this programme three experts look at different aspects of a routine eye examination on older patients in community practice. They explain how to adapt the routine to the additional requirements of elderly patients, how to make the examination more relevant and effective and how to understand the results obtained. 

The programme provides guidance on ways to adapt refraction and examination techniques to be able to offer the best advice to elderly patients.

The sections covered include: history and symptoms, vision and charts, pupil assessment, binocular tests, refraction, ocular examination, supplementary tests and advice.

The programme is particularly suitable for newly qualified optometrists and optometrists returning from extended breaks. 

First published: October 2017
Last reviewed: February 2024

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    s.2 Communicate effectively with patients  

    • Able to communicate effectively with elderly patients during an eye examination.

    Clinical Practice

    s.7 Conduct appropriate assessments, examinations, treatments and referrals

    • Able to understand how to adapt the clinical tests during an eye examination with elderly patients and respond to their individual needs.
    • Able to adapt objective and subjective refraction methods to obtain the best prescription for elderly patients.
    • Understand how to adapt an eye examination when assessing the vision of elderly patients, specialist charts that are available and how to give appropriate advice relating to lighting and contrast.

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      Docet would like to thank the following for their contribution to this programme:
      • Tina Patel
      • Kalpna Theophilus
      • Catherine Viner
      • Mandy Whitman
      • Optometry Department, University of Hertfordshire
        View only 'Topic 11'

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