Enrolment options

AMD: Part 3 - Assessment, management and referral (Non-interactive)

CPD Ref: C-100642

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

Part three of our five-part course on AMD looks at assessment techniques, effective patient communication, the management and referral of patients with AMD and low vision support.

Topics: AMD Series, Macula, NICE NG82, Referral, Communication, OCT, Amsler, Drusen, Wet, Dry, Neovascular, Active, Inactive, Geographic atrophy, Smoking, Diet, Charles Bonnet, Driving, Vitamins, AREDS, Supplements, Eccentric viewing, Low vision, Visual impairment.

Self enrolment (Learner)