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Sound OptometryCPD Ref: C-110948

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive 

Closing Date: 30 September 2025

Domains: Communication, Clinical Practice

This podcast episode builds on the Docet webinar Dementia and Optometry: Research and Practice. Michelle speaks with Rakhee Shah and Simon Raw to address attendee questions and reinforce the key messages about the vital connection between vision and dementia. We also hear from Fadi Alfaqawi about how to assess the best course of action for a patient when advanced visual corrections are needed.

Topics: Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Cataract, Vision loss, Visual impairment, Vision assessment, Domiciliary eyecare, Communication, Consent, Referrals.

CPD Ref: C-110444

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical Practice, Communication

In this recorded lecture, Dr Rakhee Shah presents the latest research on dementia and its implications for optometry. Mr Simon Raw provides clinical insights on tailoring eye examinations to meet the needs of patients with dementia, along with strategies to ensure they feel safe and comfortable.

Topics: Mental Capacity Act 2005, Falls, Visual assessment and examination, Referral, Communication, History and symptoms, Dispensing, Dementia.

Sound OptometryCPD Ref: C-110387

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive 

Closing Date: 30 June 2025

Domains: Communication, Clinical Practice, Specialty CPD (IP)

In this episode, Professor Sai Kolli addresses some of the questions raised during his recent Docet webinar on common corneal conditions. He and Michelle explore different management options for some of these conditions, providing valuable insight into how we can deliver potential diagnoses with more sensitivity. We also hear from a patient who has recently been diagnosed with keratoconus, reminding us that communicating bad news is something that can be difficult to get right.

Topics: Corneal dystrophy, Keratoconus, Fuch’s endothelial corneal dystrophy, Recurrent epithelial corneal erosion, Breaking bad news, Communication, Independent prescribing, Referrals.

CPD Ref: C-110271

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical Practice, Communication

In this recorded lecture, Professor Sai Kolli, consultant ophthalmic surgeon, looks at corneal dystrophies that appear commonly in practice. He discusses which patients are appropriate for monitoring or management in the community, which need to be referred, and the impact of these conditions when referring patients for surgical treatment. Conditions such as keratoconus and Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy are also covered.

Topics: Referrals, Keratoconus, Fuchs, Endothelium, Recurrent corneal erosion, Tomography, Topography, OCT, Astigmatism, Specular microscopy, Cross-linking, Graft.

Sound OptometryCPD Ref: C-110083

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive 

Closing Date: 30 June 2025

Domains: Communication, Clinical Practice

In this episode, Michelle Hanratty discusses the vision standards for safety-critical occupations with Professor John Barbur, who has developed a sophisticated colour vision test that is widely used to grade the severity of colour vision deficiency. We also hear from Ian Trimmer, who provides an insight into communicating bad news and why vision can be a particularly sensitive topic. 

Topics: Occupational vision standards, Driving and vision, Colour vision testing, Colour vision deficiency, Communication, Breaking bad news.

CPD Ref: C-100639

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

This is the first in a five-part course on AMD, covering the anatomy of the macula, risk factors, prevalence, and signs and symptoms of AMD.

Topics: AMD Series, Retina, Macula, Risk factors, NICE NG82, OCT, Smoking, Drusen, Wet, Dry, Diet, Anatomy, Neovascular, Prevalence, Charles Bonnet, Active, Inactive, Classification.

CPD Ref: C-100641

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

Part two of our five-part course on AMD looks at the physiology and examination of the macula area to identify AMD and other macula conditions. OCT images are explained to aid differential diagnosis.

Topics: AMD Series, Retina, Macula, NICE NG82, OCT, Drusen, Wet, Dry, Anatomy, Neovascular, Active, Inactive, Classification, Diabetes, CSR, Vein occlusion, Macular oedema, Vitelliform, Geographic atrophy, Reticular.

CPD Ref: C-100642

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

Part three of our five-part course on AMD looks at assessment techniques, effective patient communication, the management and referral of patients with AMD and low vision support.

Topics: AMD Series, Macula, NICE NG82, Referral, Communication, OCT, Amsler, Drusen, Wet, Dry, Neovascular, Active, Inactive, Geographic atrophy, Smoking, Diet, Charles Bonnet, Driving, Vitamins, AREDS, Supplements, Eccentric viewing, Low vision, Visual impairment.

CPD Ref: C-103023

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

Part four of our five-part course on AMD gives the opportunity to practice diagnosing three patient cases presenting at different stages of AMD, and to consider the most appropriate management and treatment options for each patient.

Topics: AMD Series, Active, Amsler, Communication, Depression, Diet, Driving, Drusen, Dry, Inactive, Low vision, Macula, Neovascular, NICE NG82, OCT, Referral, Retina, Smoking, Visual impairment, Wet.

CPD Ref: C-100644

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

In part five of our course on AMD, we look at the treatment options of patients with AMD, including the anti-VEGF procedure in a hospital eye clinic.

Topics: AMD Series, Active, Dry,  Macula, Neovascular,  NICE NG82, OCT, Referral, Visual impairment, Wet, Anti-VEGF, Intravitreal, Injections, Fluorescein angiography, OCT-A, PDT, Telescopes, Translocation, DARPin, Stem cell.

CPD Ref: C-101941

CPD Points:  

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 March 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication, Specialty CPD (IP)

Docet has created a comprehensive online resource to support optometrists and IP practitioners in the diagnosis and management of patients presenting with chronic or non-sight threatening anterior eye conditions. 

The second part of the anterior eye course focuses on conjunctival conditions including infective conjunctivitis.

Topics: Referrals, Grading scales, Slit-lamp, Pharmacy, GP, Conjunctivitis, Allergy, Viral, Pinguecula, Pterygium, Bacterial, Infective, Haemorrhage.

Areas of interest: MECS, Anterior eye conditions and acute presentations, Independent Prescribing, Newly qualified.

CPD Ref: C-102247 

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 March 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication, Specialty CPD (IP)

Docet has created a comprehensive online resource to support optometrists and IP practitioners in the diagnosis and management of patients presenting with chronic or non-sight threatening anterior eye conditions. 

The first part focuses on eyelid conditions including blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).

Topics: Referrals, Grading scales, Slit-lamp, Pharmacy, GP, Blepharitis, Hordeolum, Chalazion, Meibomian gland dysfunction, Molluscum contagiosum, Ectropion, Entropion, Dry eye.

Areas of interest: MECS, Anterior eye conditions and acute presentations, Independent Prescribing, Newly qualified.

CPD Ref: C-102248

CPD Points:  

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 March 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication, Specialty CPD (IP)

Docet has created a comprehensive online resource to support optometrists and IP practitioners in the diagnosis and management of patients presenting with chronic or non-sight threatening anterior eye conditions. 

This is the third and final part in the series on the anterior eye and covers conditions such as episcleritis, dry eye and corneal abrasions.

Topics: Referrals, Grading scales, Slit-lamp, Pharmacy, GP, Dry eye, Episcleritis, Corneal abrasions, Recurrent corneal erosions, Foreign bodies. 

Areas of interest: MECS, Anterior eye conditions and acute presentations, Independent Prescribing, Newly qualified.

CPD Ref: C-107759

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

This recorded lecture aims to build the confidence of community optometrists when examining children with special educational needs (SEN). Professor Rachel Pilling provides guidance on adapting your communication and testing approaches to better accommodate children with special needs. Common ocular issues seen in SEN children are addressed, as are the ways in which optometrists can assist both the children and their parents in optimising vision. Recognising when referral is required is also explored.

Topics: Special educational needs, SEN, ASD, ADHD, Cerebral visual impairment, CVI, Atypical visual behaviour, Communication, Retinoscopy, Visual assessment, Refraction, GOS, Dry eye, Referral.

CPD Ref: 

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 March 2025

Domains: Communication, Clinical practice

This recorded lecture by Dr Aleksandra Mankowska presents four case studies of patients with binocular vision problems. For each case the presenting symptoms, appropriate clinical assessment and management options are discussed, providing optometrists with an overview of common binocular vision problems and how to manage them in practice.

Topics: Paediatric, Multiple sclerosis, Convergence insufficiency, Esophoria, Exophoria, Prism, Fusional reserves, Stereopsis, Cycloplegic, Tropia, Microtropia, Convergence weakness, Refraction, Amblyopia, Nystagmus.

CPD Ref: C-101637

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The first part of the three part course on cataract looks at the definition and classification of cataract, its pathophysiology, risk factors and incidence, how to assess patients in practice and referral criteria.

Topics: Cataract, Cataract series, Classification, Pathophysiology, Risk factors, History and symptoms, Visual assessment, Contrast sensitivity, Referral, Nuclear, PSC, Cortical, Congenital, NICE.

CPD Ref: C-101638

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The second part of the three-part course on cataract looks at management principles, treatment principles and surgical techniques.

Topics: Cataract, Cataract series, Management, Intra-ocular lenses, Phacoemulsification, Surgery, IOL, Multifocal, Bifocal, Trifocal, Referral, Monovision, Accommodating, Cataract extraction, EDOF.

CPD Ref: C-101640

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication, Specialty CPD (IP)

The third and final part of the Docet cataract series covers postoperative assessment of cataract surgery patients, complications and their management and postoperative pathways.

Topics: Cataract, Cataract series, Surgery, Postoperative assessment, Complications, Pathways, CMO, Uveitis, Retinal detachment, IOP, PCO, Referral, Emergency, IOL, Dislocation.

CPD Ref: C-102415

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 30 June 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

In part one of this two-part course, we hear from three child patients and their parents about their experiences getting started with contact lenses and how they manage them in daily life. We also hear from two optometrists about fitting contact lenses in children and the benefits that contact lenses can provide. 

Topics: Prevalence, benefits and perceived barriers to contact lens wear in children, Quality of life, Microbial keratitis, Soft contact lenses, Rigid gas permeable lenses, Orthokeratology, Anisometropia, Amblyopia, Nystagmus, Myopia management, Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, Contact lens handling.

CPD Ref: C-107674

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 30 June 2025

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

In the second part of this two-part course, our experts discuss what you need to consider before fitting a child with contact lenses. They also give helpful advice on how to educate children and their parents about contact lenses and discuss the legal aspects to bear in mind when fitting contact lenses to younger patients.

Topics: Contact lens compliance, Microbial keratitis, Communicating with children, Management of contact lens wear risks, Contact lens teach appointment, Legal considerations of fitting children with contact lenses.

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