
Sound Optometry

Domains: Professionalism, Communication

No CPD Points

Welcome to Docet’s podcast Sound Optometry, hosted by Michelle Hanratty, an IP optometrist with 20 years’ experience on the high street and in hospital. Each month, with case studies and in-depth conversations, we will be exploring topics that matter the most to you as optometrists and are relevant for everyday practice.

Episode 24 – Mental Health: Optometrists, be well!

This episode focuses on the mental health and wellbeing of optometrists in the workplace environment. Optometrist and life coach Sheena Tanna-Shah relates her personal experience of dealing with anxiety, from the effect it had on her working life to the success of conquering her mental health challenges. Sheena goes on to explain some of the ways in which optometrists can improve their own wellbeing in the optometric workplace and signposts other mental health services that are available.

Michelle Hanratty then discusses the potential triggers of stress and anxiety in a healthcare environment with Dr Rachel Morris, executive coach and former GP. Rachel describes the cues to watch out for in colleagues and oneself when mental health takes a turn for the worse and describes some valuable tools that optometrists and their leaders can use to manage their mental health environment successfully.  

Subscribe to the series on your preferred podcast player so you don’t miss an episode. You can access all episodes of Sound Optometry here.

Last published: September 2023

    Learning outcomes


    s.4. Show care and compassion for your patients 

    • Able to show care and compassion to patients and colleagues when signs of mental health stress have been recognised.

    s.13  Show respect and fairness to others and do not discriminate 

    • Able to respond to signs of mental health difficulty in colleagues and oneself with respect and understanding.  
    • Able to recognise when colleagues are struggling with mental health challenges in the optometric workplace and to provide support and guidance without prejudice. 


    s.2 Communicate effectively with patients 

    • Able to manage one’s own anxiety and stress where applicable so that effective communication with patients can be maintained.
    • Able to communicate with others that may be struggling with their mental health how to access further support or treatment.

      Unit 1 - Mental health audio track (~27 min)