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Sound Optometry: Episode 45 - Vision and Dementia: Modifying risk for better outcomes

Sound OptometryCPD Ref: C-110948

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive 

Closing Date: 30 September 2025

Domains: Communication, Clinical Practice

This podcast episode builds on the Docet webinar Dementia and Optometry: Research and Practice. Michelle speaks with Rakhee Shah and Simon Raw to address attendee questions and reinforce the key messages about the vital connection between vision and dementia. We also hear from Fadi Alfaqawi about how to assess the best course of action for a patient when advanced visual corrections are needed.

Topics: Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Cataract, Vision loss, Visual impairment, Vision assessment, Domiciliary eyecare, Communication, Consent, Referrals.

Self enrolment (Learner)