
Sound Optometry

Domains: Clinical Practice, Professionalism, Specialty CPD (IP)

No CPD Points

Welcome to Docet’s podcast Sound Optometry, hosted by Michelle Hanratty, an IP optometrist with 20 years’ experience on the high street and in hospital. Each month, with case studies and in-depth conversations, we will be exploring topics that matter the most to you as optometrists and are relevant for everyday practice.

Episode 27 – Dry Eye? Think MGD and beyond 

This episode of Sound Optometry looks at dry eye and focuses on equipping optometrists to manage patients with mild to moderate dry eye disease effectively. Whilst many cases we see in community practice are quite mild, it can sometimes develop into a debilitating disease. 

Understanding the main causes of dry eye, and being able to deliver treatments that will break the discomfort and ocular surface inflammation cycle can be key in preventing more severe disease. 

The episode starts with David talking about his journey with dry eye disease, its effect on his career and his mental health. We then hear from his optometrist and specialist dry eye practitioner Sarah Farrant, who provides some insights into how, for severe cases, she moves her dry eye management up to the next level.

Professor Sai Kolli from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham then joins Michelle Hanratty to explain how optometrists in the community can help prevent patients from getting to the stages of severe dry eye disease. He describes how breaking the cycle of discomfort and inflammation is key, and what important role community optometrists can play in helping to reduce the burden on the Hospital Eye Service. 

Subscribe to the series on your preferred podcast player so you don’t miss an episode. You can access all episodes of Sound Optometry here.

Last published: December 2023

    Learning outcomes


    s.4  Show care and compassion for your patients

    • Understand the impact of dry eye disease on patient wellbeing.
    • Able to empathise with patients that may be struggling with the burden of dry eye treatments.

    s.10  Work collaboratively with colleagues in the interests of patients

    • Able to identify when a patient with dry eye disease needs additional care.
    • Able to work with colleagues to deliver effective management using shared care pathways when required.

    Clinical Practice

    s.5 Keep your knowledge and skills up to date  

    • Know the main causes of dry eye disease and the potential treatments to alleviate symptoms and manage ocular surface inflammation.

    s.7 Conduct appropriate assessments, examinations, treatments and referrals 

    • Able to evaluate a patient history to identify aggravating factors.
    • Able to form a clinical management plan to examine the ocular surface.
    • Know when to refer on to another healthcare professional.

    IP Competency

    Specialty CPD

    • Understand the current options of treatment available to IP optometrists to manage dry eye disease.

      Unit 1 - Dry eye disease audio track (~29 min)