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This course is the first module forming Part 1: Assessment in Docet’s Ageing Eye series and is designed as a companion piece to Physiology and pathology - Systemic.

This programme looks at the effects of ageing on a normal, healthy eye, including aspects of anatomy and visual performance. It also considers the identification, investigation and management of common ocular abnormalities that may be encountered in everyday practice in older patients. The programme features interviews with experts in the field and a wide range of clinical images.

First published: May 2014
Last reviewed: August 2024

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    s.2 Communicate effectively with patients

    • Understand the physiological and common pathological changes in the eye in the older population; and so be able to explain them more effectively to patients and offer appropriate advice.

    Clinical Practice 

    s.5 Keep your knowledge and skills up to date

    • Able to recognise common ocular pathologies in the older population, and to be able to differentiate patients with pathological changes from those with normal age-related physiological changes and so refer them appropriately.
    • Understand the various aspects of visual function and how they change in the older population, and so to be able to assess them effectively and differentiate normal age-related changes from pathological changes.

    s.6 Recognise and work within your limits of competence 

    • Understand referral pathways for common ocular conditions in the older population and  knows when to refer appropriately.

      View only 'Topic 2'

        View only 'Topic 3'


        Garway-Heath D, Wollstein G, Hitchings R (1997) Ageing changes of the optic nerve head in relation to open angle glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol; 81, pp 840-845

        Pointer J (1995) The presbyopic add. II. Age-related trend and a gender difference. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt; 15(4), pp 241-148

        Pointer J (2002) Gender-related optical aspects of the onset of presbyopia. Ophthalmic Physiol OptMar; 22(2), pp 126-9

        Ozdemir M, Temizdemir H (2010) Age- and gender-related tear function changes in normal population. Eye 24, pp 79–83  

        Weale R (1963) The Ageing Eye. Lewis, London.

          View only 'Topic 4'


          Jackson G, Owsley C, McGwin G (1999) Ageing and dark adaptation. Vision Research, Volume 39, Issue 23, November, pp 3975-3982

          Klein R, Klein B, Linton K, DeMets D (1991) The Beaver Dam Eye Study: Visual acuity. Ophthalmol 98, pp 1310-1315

          Sekuler R, Owsley C, Hutman L (1982) Assessing spatial vision of older people. Am J Optom Physiol Opt. Dec; 59(12), pp 961-8

            View only 'Topic 5'
            View only 'Topic 6'

            For further information on glaucoma, see Docet's Cataract Series.


            Jun G, Guo H, Klein B et al. (2009) EPHA2 is associated with age-related cortical cataract in mice and humans. PLoS Genet. Jul; 5(7)

            Leske M, Chylack L, Suh-Yuh W (1991) The Lens Opacities Case-Control Study: Risk Factors for Cataract. Arch Ophthalmol; 109(2), pp 244-251  

            Michon J, Lau J, Wing S, Ellwein L (2002) Prevalence of visual impairment, blindness, and cataract surgery in the Hong Kong elderly. Br J Ophthalmol; 86, pp 133–139

              View only 'Topic 7'

              For further information on dry eye disease, see Dry Eye Disease: The Complete Picture. For AMD, go to Docet's AMD Series.


              Moss S, Klein R, Klein B (2000) Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Dry Eye Syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol; 118(9), pp 1264-1268

              Owen C, Jarrar Z, Wormald R et al. (2012) The estimated prevalence and incidence of late stage age related macular degeneration in the UK. The British Journal of Ophthalmology; 96, pp 752–756

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              View only 'Topic 9'
              View only 'Topic 10'

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