

No CPD Points

This course is the first module forming Part 1: Assessment in Docet’s Ageing Eye series and is designed as a companion piece to Physiology and pathology - Systemic.

This programme looks at the effects of ageing on a normal, healthy eye, including aspects of anatomy and visual performance. It also considers the identification, investigation and management of common ocular abnormalities that may be encountered in everyday practice in older patients. The programme features interviews with experts in the field and a wide range of clinical images.

First published: May 2014
Last reviewed: August 2024

    Unit 2 - How the eye ages (~16 mins)


    Garway-Heath D, Wollstein G, Hitchings R (1997) Ageing changes of the optic nerve head in relation to open angle glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol; 81, pp 840-845

    Pointer J (1995) The presbyopic add. II. Age-related trend and a gender difference. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt; 15(4), pp 241-148

    Pointer J (2002) Gender-related optical aspects of the onset of presbyopia. Ophthalmic Physiol OptMar; 22(2), pp 126-9

    Ozdemir M, Temizdemir H (2010) Age- and gender-related tear function changes in normal population. Eye 24, pp 79–83  

    Weale R (1963) The Ageing Eye. Lewis, London.

      Unit 1 - Introduction (~3 mins)Unit 3 - How the ageing eye performs (~10 mins)