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Audio – Professional matters

Sound Optometry
No CPD Points

Standards of Practice

In this episode of Sound Optometry, Michelle discusses the concepts of Speaking Up with David Hewlett, Group Director at FODO; our producer, Richard Hollingham speaks to Julie Breen, Freedom to Speak Up Guardian for Tees LOC, who outlines her role within primary care optometry.

Topics: Freedom to Speak Up, Speaking up, Raising concerns, Whistleblowing, GOC Standards of Practice.

Audio – Ocular disease and management

Sound Optometry

CommunicationStandards of PracticeOcular Disease

In this episode of Sound Optometry Michelle speaks to Arijit Mitra, Consultant Ophthalmologist about his personal experience with cataract and Ajai Tyagi, who gives insight from a surgical viewpoint. The episode concludes with some advice from both surgeons on the referral and postoperative care of cataract patients.

Topics: Cataract, Referrals, Patient communication, Monovision.

Audio – Ocular disease and management

Sound Optometry

CommunicationOcular Disease

In this episode, we hear about a clinical scenario where a case of idiopathic intracranial hypertension led to severe visual symptoms and bilateral optic disc swelling. Michelle then recaps the key features of papilloedema, its presentation and causes with neuro-ophthalmologist Dr Denize Atan before looking at the differential diagnoses. The second part of the episode concentrates on the unilateral causes of optic disc swelling.

Topics: Optic disc drusen, Optic disc swelling, Optic neuritis, Optic neuropathy, Papilloedema, Referrals.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-100384

CPD Points:One Point 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Leadership & Accountability, Professionalism 

Accredited Level 2 e-learning, introducing optometrists to the key issues surrounding child abuse. The course explains how to recognise and deal with issues that might arise in optometric practice when working with children. 

Topics: Safeguarding, Legal, At risk, Social services, Abuse, Neglect, Record keeping, Physical, Psychological, Disability, Newly qualified, Sexual, Radicalisation.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-100389

CPD Points:One Point 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Leadership & Accountability, Professionalism 

Accredited Level 2 e-learning, covering the key safeguarding issues that optometrists need to be aware of when working with adults at risk.                  

Topics: Safeguarding, Legal, At risk, Social services, Abuse, Neglect, Record keeping, Physical, Psychological, Disability, Dementia, Sexual, Slavery, Radicalisation. 

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-100639

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

This is the first in a five-part course on AMD, covering the anatomy of the macula, risk factors, prevalence, and signs and symptoms of AMD.

Topics: AMD Series, Retina, Macula, Risk factors, NICE NG82, OCT, Smoking, Drusen, Wet, Dry, Diet, Anatomy, Neovascular, Prevalence, Charles Bonnet, Active, Inactive, Classification.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-100641

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

Part two of our five-part course on AMD looks at the physiology and examination of the macula area to identify AMD and other macula conditions. OCT images are explained to aid differential diagnosis.

Topics: AMD Series, Retina, Macula, NICE NG82, OCT, Drusen, Wet, Dry, Anatomy, Neovascular, Active, Inactive, Classification, Diabetes, CSR, Vein occlusion, Macular oedema, Vitelliform, Geographic atrophy, Reticular.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-100642

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

Part three of our five-part course on AMD looks at assessment techniques, effective patient communication, the management and referral of patients with AMD and low vision support.

Topics: AMD Series, Macula, NICE NG82, Referral, Communication, OCT, Amsler, Drusen, Wet, Dry, Neovascular, Active, Inactive, Geographic atrophy, Smoking, Diet, Charles Bonnet, Driving, Vitamins, AREDS, Supplements, Eccentric viewing, Low vision, Visual impairment.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-103023

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

Part four of our five-part course on AMD gives the opportunity to practice diagnosing three patient cases presenting at different stages of AMD, and to consider the most appropriate management and treatment options for each patient.

Topics: AMD Series, Active, Amsler, Communication, Depression, Diet, Driving, Drusen, Dry, Inactive, Low vision, Macula, Neovascular, NICE NG82, OCT, Referral, Retina, Smoking, Visual impairment, Wet.

Audio – Clinical assessmentSound Optometry

No CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

In this episode we hear from both parent and child about their experience of myopia management with soft contact lenses before Michelle Hanratty talks to Optometrist Kathryn Webber about myopia management. They discuss how to identify suitable candidates and give useful advice on how to explain the potential benefits of myopia management to patients.

Topics: Myopia management, Risk factors for myopia, Communication, Fitting contact lenses in children, Pathological myopia.

Audio – Clinical assessment

Sound OptometryNo CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

In this episode, we hear from a patient who was diagnosed with a conjunctival melanoma before Michelle Hanratty talks to Professor Heinrich Heimann about lesions of the ocular surface and of the anterior chamber. The discussion covers how to recognise pertinent signs and the associated risks factors as well as the management, investigation and treatment of such patients.

Topics: Conjunctival lesions, Uveal lesions, Ocular tumours, Referrals.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-100644

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

In part five of our course on AMD, we look at the treatment options of patients with AMD, including the anti-VEGF procedure in a hospital eye clinic.

Topics: AMD Series, Active, Dry,  Macula, Neovascular,  NICE NG82, OCT, Referral, Visual impairment, Wet, Anti-VEGF, Intravitreal, Injections, Fluorescein angiography, OCT-A, PDT, Telescopes, Translocation, DARPin, Stem cell.


This interactive CPD version of AMD: Part 4 - Patient Case Studies with CPD Ref C-100643, expired on 1 August 2022. If you have completed this version, you can print your certificate here.

AMD: Part 4 - Patient Case Studies has been reissued as an non-interactive CPD course with CPD Ref C-103023 here.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101637

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The first part of the three part course on cataract looks at the definition and classification of cataract, its pathophysiology, risk factors and incidence, how to assess patients in practice and referral criteria.

Topics: Cataract, Cataract series, Classification, Pathophysiology, Risk factors, History and symptoms, Visual assessment, Contrast sensitivity, Referral, Nuclear, PSC, Cortical, Congenital, NICE.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101638

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The second part of the three-part course on cataract looks at management principles, treatment principles and surgical techniques.

Topics: Cataract, Cataract series, Management, Intra-ocular lenses, Phacoemulsification, Surgery, IOL, Multifocal, Bifocal, Trifocal, Referral, Monovision, Accommodating, Cataract extraction, EDOF.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101640

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication, Specialty CPD (IP)

The third and final part of the Docet cataract series covers postoperative assessment of cataract surgery patients, complications and their management and postoperative pathways.

Topics: Cataract, Cataract series, Surgery, Postoperative assessment, Complications, Pathways, CMO, Uveitis, Retinal detachment, IOP, PCO, Referral, Emergency, IOL, Dislocation.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101644

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The first part of the glaucoma programme has an update on the definitions and prevalence of glaucoma and covers the classification of the different types of glaucoma. It includes the signs and symptoms along with the risk factors to help improve differential diagnosis and appropriate referral.

Topics: Glaucoma, NICE, SIGN, POAG, COAG, CAG, Congenital, Ocular hypertension, Prevalence, Secondary.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101645

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The second part of the glaucoma programme reviews the anatomy of the normal eye and the pathophysiology in the development of glaucoma. It also covers the current thoughts on the causes of glaucoma and the various risk factors for the different types.

Topics: Glaucoma, NICE, SIGN, POAG, COAG, CAG, Congenital, Ocular hypertension, Prevalence, Risk, Corneal thickness, IOP.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101847

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The first part of Dry Eye Disease: The Complete Picture looks at the findings from the TFOS DEWS II report, the pathophysiology, epidemiology and risk factors for DED.

Topics: DED, Ocular surface disease, TFOS DEWS II, Dry eye, Tears, Homeostasis, Osmolarity, Cornea, Evaporative, Aqueous deficient, MGD.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101848

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The second part of Dry Eye Disease: The Complete Picture covers the assessment and diagnosis as recommended in the TFOS DEWS ll report including triaging questions and diagnostic tests and techniques.

Topics: DED, Ocular surface disease, TFOS DEWS II, Dry eye, Tears, Homeostasis, Osmolarity, Cornea, BUT, Fluorescein staining, Meibomian glands, MGD, Blepharitis, Demodex, Questionnaires, Lids, Aqueous deficient, Evaporative.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101905

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The third part of Dry Eye Disease: The Complete Picture covers the treatment of DED as recommended in the TFOS DEWS ll report. It includes lubricants, lid treatments, environmental and dietary modifications and in-practice treatments. 

Topics: Ocular surface disease, TFOS DEWS II, Dry eye, Tears, Homeostasis, Osmolarity, Meibomian glands, MGD, Blepharitis, Demodex, Lids, Aqueous deficient, Evaporative, Tea tree oil, Diet, Warm compress, IPL.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101940

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Specialty CPD (IP)

The fourth and final part of Dry Eye Disease: The Complete Picture includes the second unit on treatment of DED as recommended in the TFOS DEWS ll report. It covers the use of prescription drugs to manage DED including those available to IP optometrists, surgical interventions and patient adherence. 

Topics: Ocular surface disease, TFOS DEWS II, Dry eye, Tears, Homeostasis, Osmolarity, Meibomian glands, MGD, Blepharitis, Lids, Drugs, Antibiotics, Punctal plugs, Adherence, COM-B.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101646

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

The third part of the glaucoma programme looks at how to assess the anterior segment and angle to identify important signs of glaucoma and how to identify some of the key risk factors.

Topics: Glaucoma, NICE, SIGN, POAG, COAG, CAG, Van Herick, Smith’s method, Gonioscopy, OCT, Referral, PDS, PXF.

Video library

No CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

This recorded lecture by consultant ophthalmic surgeon, Professor Heinrich Heimann provides an overview of the most important malignancies and pre-malignancies of the ocular surface and anterior chamber and how to spot them.

Topics: Melanoma, Lymphoma, Naevus, Tumour, Conjunctiva, Ciliary body, Iris, Anterior chamber, Pigment, Cyst, Metastisis, Papilloma, Squamous cell. 

Video library

No CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

This lecture by consultant ophthalmic surgeon, Professor Heinrich Heimann, aims to increase clinical skills in differentiating between benign and suspicious lesions that require monitoring or referral. It focuses on the more common causes including choroidal naevus, choroidal melanoma and CHRPE and includes imaging, referral and monitoring strategies.

Topics: Fundus, Retina, Pigmented, Malignant, Tumour, Choroidal melanoma, Choroidal naevi, CHRPE, Vortex vein ampulla, Peripheral disciform, Differential diagnosis, OCT, Referral.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101006

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 28 June 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

Binocular Vision provides a step by step practical guide to the various techniques required in practice to assess the binocular status of patients and then suggests the appropriate management for a broad range of anomalies. 

Topics: Children, Orthoptics, Amblyopia, Strabismus, Squint, Incommitent, Commitent, Exercises, Motility, Heterophoria, Stereopsis, Prisms, Newly qualified.

Area of interest: MECS

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101729

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

The fourth part of the glaucoma programme covers the measurement of IOP using contact and non-contact tonometers, looking at normal findings and discussing when to refer.

Topics: Glaucoma, NICE, SIGN, POAG, COAG, CAG, Intraocular pressure, Referral , IOP, tonometer, GAT, Perkins, Ocular hypertension, CCT, Corneal thickness.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101730

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

The fifth part of the glaucoma series looks at how to assess and measure the optic disc and identify important signs of glaucoma. The disc examination and appearance with ophthalmoscopy and OCT images are explained to help aid referral and management of glaucoma suspects.

Topics: Glaucoma, NICE, SIGN, POAG, COAG, Optic disc, Assessment, Slit lamp, Indirect ophthalmoscopy, OCT, Management, Referral, Volk.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101748

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

The sixth part of the glaucoma programme looks at how to accurately assess the visual field to identify important signs of glaucoma.

Topics: Glaucoma, NICE, SIGN, Management, Referral, Threshold, SITA, ZATA, Static, Kinetic, FDT.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101749

CPD Points:

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

The seventh part of the glaucoma programme looks at national and local refinement and referral pathways and discusses how to reach the appropriate clinical decision when managing a glaucoma suspect, taking into account all your investigation.

Topics: Glaucoma, NICE, SIGN, POAG, COAG, Ocular hypertension, Management, Referral, Repeat measures, Pathway, IOP, Visual field.

CPD courses

CPD Ref: C-101750

CPD Points: 

CPD Type: Non-interactive

Closing Date: 31 December 2024

Domains: Clinical practice, Specialty CPD (IP)

The eighth and final part of the glaucoma programme looks at current and future treatments of glaucoma.

Topics: Glaucoma, NICE, SIGN, POAG, COAG, CAG, Ocular hypertension, Laser treatment, Surgical treatment, Pharmacological treatments, Management, Referral, MIGS, SLT.

Video library

No CPD Points

Domains: Communication, Leadership & Accountability

This filmed lecture, that initially took place as a webinar, will increase your confidence in examining patients remotely, ensuring they are managed safely and referred when required.

Topics: Red eye, Record keeping, Triage, Referral, Acute presentation, Ocular disease, Reduced vision.

Video library

No CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

This lecture by consultant ophthalmologist, Damian Lake, covers different acute red eye conditions, particularly in contact lens wearers. It discusses the management of both those that can be treated in practice and others, such as infective causes, where urgent referral to the Hospital Eye Service is required.

Topics: Contact lenses, Ulcers, Microbial keratitis, Ocular allergy, Viral, Bacterial, Fungal, Allergic, Infiltrate, Hygiene, Infection, Acanthamoeba, Abrasion.

Video library

No CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

In this recorded lecture, Dr Denize Atan looks at patients presenting with suspicious optic discs and/or headaches and discusses how to differentiate between serious and benign conditions. She looks at how the increasing use of OCT can be applied to aid appropriate referrals for patients with suspect neurological conditions.

Topics: Optic disc, Tumours, Intracranial pressure, Swelling, OCT, Drusen, Tilted disc, Pseudo-papilloedema, Meningitis, Hypertension, Ischaemia, Infection, Optic neuritis, Headache, Nausea, Nerve palsy.

Video library

No CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice

The first of two programmes discussing embryology and the developing eye, this course looks at genetics and inheritance of a range of eye diseases, as well as the first three months of gestation and how external and internal influence may trigger eye conditions.

Topics: Choroid, Ciliary body, Coloboma, Colour vision defect, Congenital, Rubella, Cataract, Lens, DNA, Dominant, Embryo, Epithelium, Genetics, Glaucoma, Hyaloid artery, Inheritance, Iris, Meiosis, Mitochondrial, Multifactorial, Mutation, Myopia, RNA, Recessive, Retinoblastoma, Sclera, Toxoplasmosis, X-linked, Y-shaped suture, Zika virus, Young eye series.

Video library

No CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The second of two programmes discussing embryology and the developing eye, this course looks at the final six months of gestation, the birth process and the early period post-partum, and how external and internal influence may trigger eye diseases.

Topics: Binocularity, Asphyxia, Congenital, Glaucoma, Cranial nerves, Down syndrome, Duane syndrome, Emmetropisation, Extraocular muscles, Fibrosis, Foetal alcohol syndrome, Gestational diabetes, Horner’s syndrome, Hydrocephalus, Keratoconus, Leukocoria, Oculomotor disorders, Ophthalmoplegia, Pupil, Reflex test, Retinal detachment, Retinopathy of prematurity, Risk factors, Sixth nerve palsy, Smoking, Spina bifida, Stereopsis, Trisomy 21, UV, Visual development, Vitamin A deficiency, Young eye series.

Audio – Ocular disease and management

Sound Optometry

No CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

In this episode, Michelle Hanratty talks to Optometrist Yahya Vali about the detection of keratoconus in routine practice and discusses the referral and treatment options for keratoconic patients with Consultant Ophthalmologist Damian Lake, as well as some key information about detecting keratoconus as early as possible.

Topics: Keratoconus, Crosslinking, Corneal transplant, Retinoscopy, Keratometry, Referrals, Corneal Topography.

Audio – Professional matters

Sound OptometryNo CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Leadership & Accountability

In this episode, Michelle Hanratty explores the two-way risk of infection in optometric practice with Dr Conor Meehan. A real life case study of a workplace acquired ocular infection follows as we hear from ophthalmologist Arijit Mitra, who reminds the listener of the potential consequences in any lapse of infection prevention and control. 

Topics: Infection prevention and control, Hand hygiene, Reuse of instruments and contact lenses.

Audio – Ocular disease and management

Sound OptometryNo CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Professionalism

In this episode, Michelle Hanratty explores the risk of glaucoma being undetected in those patients that have undergone laser vision correction with consultant ophthalmologist Imran Masood. Paddy Gunn, hospital optometrist, explains how to approach borderline cases to ensure appropriate referral and how to reassure patients that have not had their routine glaucoma monitoring appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Topics: Glaucoma, Referrals, Intraocular pressure, Laser vision correction.

Video library

No CPD Points

Domains: Clinical practice, Communication

The programme is split into two parts. This first part covers the skills required to examine and fit astigmatic patients with soft contact lenses, including toric fitting tips and problem solving.

Topics: Astigmatism, Soft lenses, Slit lamp, Toric, Aftercare, Keratometry, Contact lenses, Prism ballast, Stabilisation.

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